Projects & Products

Vaccine buddy

A built-for-purpose data collection device for public health field work. This affordable, reliable, waterproof device can be carried freely or securely affixed to the interior of a vaccine carrier.

Vaccine Buddy features:

  • Long battery life

  • Accurate location data

  • Data interoperability with leading GIS and analytics platforms

  • Ease of use: can be used completely passively

Adaptable to your program's needs:

Vaccine Buddy can become Cold Chain Buddy, Field Work Buddy, Asset Buddy, etc. Get in touch to discuss custom options for your use case.

GIS Consulting

Award-winning GIS consulting support with experience supporting the US Centers for Disease Control contracts, working closely with the World Health Organization, Global Polio Eradication Initiative, and dozens of international partners.

  • Geospatial analysis and thematic cartography

  • Remote sensing and imagery analysis

  • Emergency Response Support

Capacity Building

Training that not only focuses on specific software and techniques, but also introduces and reinforces fundamental concepts of geography and GIS. We aim to provide a transferable foundation of knowledge that can be applied to any technology.

  • Beginner to Advanced instruction, training for trainers, etc.

  • Remote or on-site lessons

  • Learn to use industry leading software, including open source